Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Stain
      I couldn't find an Image from the Film so this will have to do, sorry.
 I assume you guys know what film I'm talking about. You know the one about the to eighty-year-olds who get in an argument over stain and kill each other? 

 I have to say that this film was awful...In the best way possible. From the overall design, to the constant, unwarranted medium switches and the quiet narration made for a very unique experience.

First the way in which the story was first conceived was pretty clever, though morbid, the writers (I wish I could remember their names) were able to reverse engineer a very interesting story.
The film also creates a very surprising tone, it is unsure whether it is funny, sad or angry. This is something that would easily ruin any other story, but here it just works. There is no easy answer to the film, therefore, it makes sense that the tone would be just as uncertain.

Finally we have the actual design of the characters. The film does not concern itself with continuity and is perfectly willing to shift the characters any way in which the scene demands. The film does an amazing job of bringing together elements that just don't work and they do not necessarily make them work, they just fit the movie perfectly.    

 I am really sorry that I don't have visual aids to help elaborate what I'm talking about but, I just couldn't find anything (But I found a ton of images of Tide products)

Anyway thanks for reading and let me know what you think of the film.                                

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