Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pony Spotlight: Rainbow Dash

      The second of the 6 main characters in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is Rainbow Dash. She is a Pegasus with dreams of being a great athlete. Tasked with controlling the weather she flies to the height of the clouds and wrangles them as she sees fit, and stomping on them to make rain and thunder. A ploy she uses to play pranks and scare her friends for fun. Often times you will find her relaxing upon a cloud nonchalantly floating about. Although, when she is called to action or disagrees with someone she will burst into flight racing through the skies to the aid of her friends.  She is a bit of a hothead eager to rush into any conflict to face it head on. With a bit of an ego she isn't afraid to puff up her chest and call someone out on their misbehavior. She has great ambitions to strive to new heights, always pushing herself to be her very best, hoping to join a crew of professional flyers, constantly showing off to gain respect of others, but when push comes to shove, and her time to shine has come she is often struck with stage freight. Throughout the series she has been known to be foolhardy in her attempts to maintain her reputation, Taking action or boasting without forethought. often getting her into sticky situations that easily could have been avoided. Her character was very well explored during the second season of the show, gaining much popularity as well. The audience loves a character that they can relate to, both in triumphs as well as shortcomings. In the second season she would sew her own mistakes and grow to learn from them. Something that we as an audience love to see, and grow closer to her through her endeavors, because nobody wants to see a static character that is always predictable, and never grows from their experiences. It simply doesn't keep our attention. After all who couldn't relate to a character with great ambitions, strong morals, and a bit of stage freight. A true dependable rock for her friends, her Element of Friendship is Loyalty. Symbolizing her devotion to her friends and the willingness to be there whenever she is needed. Being as fast as she is, she could be everywhere at the same time. Its no wonder why she is so dependable.

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