Sunday, December 8, 2013

The A Cappellephants

            I recently wrote a blog about music and how important it was.  The thing about music though is that it has to be done right.  One group that I believe is doing music right is the A Cappella group The A Cappellephants.  The A Cappellephants is an A Cappella group here on the Huntington University Campus and so far they have released two albums, “A Spontaneous Ear Warming Christmas Album” and “Pop Tunes to Wrecking Ball Your Ears”. They perform popular Christmas songs in the first album and in the second album they perform covers of songs that are big in pop culture at the current moment.  They perform such favorites as “Feliz Navidad”, “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause”, “Wrecking Ball”, and “Sail”.  They do so in such a way that one listener has been quoted as saying, “These songs are fantastic!  They may even trump the originals.”-Me

            Now I may be a bit biased seeing as I am a member of this visionary new group of young musicians or should I say magicians.  Our work ethic is unparalleled, we can record and publish a twelve song album in under an hour and a half.  There are around 1,000 listens on A Cappellephants soundcloud page and growing.  Look for new albums in the future and listen to old albums here.

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