Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Art gallery...nope no eye catching title for this one...absolutely not. Just read the friggin blog!

What's What! Glad you read another one of my blogs and I....HEY GET YOUR EYES BACK UP HERE! NO SKIMMY SKIM HERE! Sorry to those actually are reading instead of skimming, my wrath is not directed towards you. So I went to the art show that HU held not too long ago and I decided to dress up for it since it was optional(but leeper hinted that we all look ragged all the time so I took some action :)) I walked over to be greeted by Dr Lance Clark of the film department(great guy if you havent met him yet) after which I entered the gallery to find a tall black spandex figure with clothing and accessories as if it were part of the exhibit...yeah it turned out to be Katy Seymore....I dont know either. Aside from these happenings, the exhibit was quite delightful(fancy words ftw) with works from prof. Ballinger and the leepster himself taking up quite a portion it. Both profs had good work and I could see that Ballinger's work had the same distinct style of his new animal gas series which Im sure helped his cause. Overall the exhibit was a great way to experience new art forms I had yet to really explore and Im thankful for the opportunity to do so.

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