Saturday, December 7, 2013


Back again to talk about more random stuff. It might not always make sense or be interesting but the truth is…I can’t blog. Plain and simple. But we’re going to continue anyway because it is a major grade. I keep thinking back to all the weekends I wasted because of media. For example, over fall break I did not work on any homework that I should have. What did I do? I watched the whole 6th season of NCIS straight, one hour-long episode after the next. Looking back, I regret that decision…no, never mind, I don’t. It was awesome.
And now we move to my awkward rambling on why I like the show and all that fun stuff. First off, I think the show is successful because a wide variety of themes for different people. First off, there is suspense and mystery, since the show is about solving cases. However, it never turns too serious to be completely overwhelming and monotonous (after all, there are only so many scenarios to show before it is all used up) but really focuses on the interactions of the characters. Even here, the show, while it is a drama, varies on moments, focusing on different characters, sad moments, hilarious moments, moments when you fear for their lives, and then the stupid cliffhangers at the end of the season where it is always a part I and II and the show has a habit of suddenly killing off people. And the thing is, none of the characters are perfect; each has so many quirks and personalities. I think that I love the show for these moments.
The gang's all here:
goth, geek, clown, assassin, unknown, bumbler, quirky, and serious

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