Saturday, December 7, 2013

The 007 Brides for 007 and his brothers

Yes I do have a knack for eye catching titles don't I?  Now's the part where I admit to you...this blog...has nothing to do with 007 at all...WAIT WAIT DONT SCROLL DOWN YET!! Not before I describe my thoughts............uhhhhh...............hold on a sec...............its coming.....................GOT IT! So Im not a huge fan of plays to be honest, in the past when Ive attended them they've really just come off as somewhat corny/cheesy overall not my cup of know what...switch tea for sierra mist cause thats the REAL good stuff(drink responsibly). With this in mind I had heard of the SBFSB play but hadn't really considered attending it. But somehow I ended up going with friends to watch and Im glad I did. Because I had never seen this play before I didnt know what to expect, but man it was great. Sam Jones and Sean Fitpatrick(White Shawn if you're feeling affectionate) did a fantastic job of dance, I only wish they had more lines and song lyrics they could have sung but whatchagonnado? I cant close with out mentioning the orchestra...FAN...TAS...TIC...all I can say is...because of them I felt like I was watching a movie and thats just incredible. So because of Sam, Sean and the orchestra and crew I guess I can say my faith in plays has been restored...except when you turn one of my favorite movies about a certain italian fourth rate boxer-turned-champion living in my first state, PA, into a broadway musical...then we have a problem...a deep, deep problem.

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