Sunday, December 8, 2013

Star Wars Battlefront

One of my favorite video games from childhood is Star Wars Battlefront.  I recently started playing the second of these games when my friend Stephen Gute brought his Play Station 2 and a copy of Star Wars Battlefront 2.  These games are one of a kind even thought there are three of them.  In these games you are part of the armies of Star Wars.  Your character doesn’t have a name,  you are just a disposable soldier.  You use your soldier to shoot opposing soldiers and if your soldier dies you just play as a new soldier. There are two Battlefront games that were made for console and everyone loved them, and I mean literally everyone.  I’ve never met anyone who has played the games and doesn’t like them.  Even people who hate Star Wars, like my brother, enjoy playing these games.  Then there was the one that no one played because it was on the PSP.  There was a third game in development but due to a bankruptcy in the company making them it never saw the light of day.  But here is some good news for all of you Battlefront fans out there.  There is a Battlefront reboot currently in production, it is being made by the gaming company DICE and is slated to be released in 2015, so get ready.

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