Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pony Spotlight: Applejack

     Number three in the line up is Applejack. She is an earthpony, meaning she isn't a unicorn or a Pegasus, just a regular ole pony. She is one of the residents of Ponyville. Living on the farm with her many relatives in the apple family, she works to run the family farm: Sweet Apple Acres. In the show she is depicted as a workhorse. She is often out bucking apples out of trees and collecting them to produce tasty pies, apple cider, and other apple products. The creators really drove this apple thing home with this character.
    She is a mature pony that is often the voice of reason. With a hint of superstition, she often gives good advice and will give an honest effort to help her friends. Unfortunately, the writers have not explored Applejack's character near as much as the others in the main 6. there have been some episodes in the series that have focused on her, but they result in others learning a lesson. This lack of development in her character leaves her very static and unrelatable. As a result, Applejack is one of the least favorite ponies within the fan-base. That's not at all to say she isn't liked.
     Between her friends, she is the solid base that keeps everyone together. Always tried and true friend, she will always be there to help with an honest effort. She is a pony that lives up to her element of friendship: Honesty. Even though it may be hard to hear at times.

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