Sunday, December 8, 2013

Can You Candor the Truth??

Okay so I have actually held back a few blogs that I wrote forever ago, the intention was to spam the blogs before class so that Leeper would have to talk about this book that is being turned into a movie. This movie/book is in fact the first of the Divergent series which I blogged about awhile back. This story takes place in dystopian Chicago and has been compared to The Hunger Games as well as The Maze Runner series. If you are reading this blog it is about one of the factions/groups from the book written by Veronica Roth.

Candor is the faction that values honesty and discourages their people from lying, in fact, anyone in their faction can tell when someone is lying because they have been taught to do so to help better the people around them about telling the truth. They view any type of deceptive action, even one done to spare another's feelings is a bad thing and that you should be truly honest all the time. They also teach you not to take offense to what people tell you because you are supposed to value the truth so much that you would rather hear the truth than a lie, even if it hurts.

In the story Tris' first friend when she becomes a Dauntless initiate is Christina, who lived her life as a daughter of two people who chose Candor as their faction. She then chose to try and become a member of the Dauntless faction when it came time for her to choose a faction. Christina is always brutally honest with Tris, which is one of the likeable things Tris finds in her new friend. However, Christina can also tell when Tris is lying, or at least not telling the full truth, which is a problem several times in the story. Overall, that is about as much as you hear about the Candor in the first book and movie.

In the second of the trilogy the refugees travel to Candor to gain assistance and are forced to take a truth serum and be questioned in front of every member of Candor. They do this so, ideally, you no longer have anything to hide from them while you are living among them. In the end, Tris convinces the Candor to side with them in the war that is rapidly approaching with the Erudite and Dauntless.

The Candor's Manifesto:

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