Sunday, December 8, 2013


The story does not only go around the city of Pompeii that was destroyed by a volcano. Mount Vesuvius eruption took place on August 24 in 79 A.D. The story also goes around Milo, who is a slave that tries to buy his freedom. Milo will go from a slave to a gladiator and he will fight for his way out. He will fight for his love. Milo falls in love with a women that is the daughter of his owner. The owner of Milo has settled things up for her daughter to marry a roman senator. The owner makes things harder for Milo when he is sold to another slave owner in Naples. Milo now has to find a way to get his freedom and return for his girl. The city of Pompeii starts to be shocked by the earthquakes that Mount Vesuvius is provoking. The citizens in Pompeii doesn’t know about the big disaster that will come, since they doesn’t even call the volcano by its name but instead a mountain. It is a phrase that took my attention about the not knowing of volcanoes. Milo returns for his love, but the volcano is erupting by then. Everyone is trying to escape from the destruction. 

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