Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Aggressive Pacifist

So with the end of the semester coming up I think it is time to say what my dream is, and why I want to get into animation. Well I can’t say that it is all figured out, but I can say that I have a giant passion for this area of animation. Enough beating around the bush, whatever that means. My dream for quite some time has been to do battle animations. Not just the explosions or effects that are behind the battle. No, I want to do the actual animation of the character models as well as help in the storyboarding of the fights themselves. This is ironic because I have never punched a person in my life. The way that the extreme animated battles can push the boundaries of what are thought possible is just…it’s impossible to describe how I think of the concept.
              Lately I have been a lot of Rooster Teeth products. Specifically, I have been watching RWBY and Red vs. Blue. I literally get chills watching these videos. If you get the opportunity, I highly suggest you watch RWBY if you have the time. Its animated movements are great! I think my obsession with animes such as Dragon Ball Z and games like Dynasty Warriors, have crafted me into the person I am today. This has not only affected what things I like to watch, but it has also changed what type of music I like. I have learned that I have a passion for making battles in my mind while listening music. Sadly, lyrics sometimes take away from these thoughts. In order to keep the thoughts coming a song must flow and have a pattern. As a result I love techno and hate rap. I won’t go into detail, but I will say that my other musical taste doesn’t connect with other people.

              With this blog all I wanted to do was explain where my passions are and why. I hope that someday I can have a hand in this field, but if I don’t I will live. It is not a crucial part of my life. What is more important is that God uses me in my life.

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