Sunday, December 8, 2013

Perks of Being a Wallflower (Spoilers)

I have been heard great things about Perks of Being a Wallflower since it came out and maybe even before that. And for good reason too. It was a great movie. It is about a boy that is depressed. He has trouble with making friends but on his first day of high school he finds some in a group of misfits.
The movie goes through the ups and downs of his new friendships. Specifically one of the girls in the group played by Emma Watson. She has a boyfriend but there is a clear connection between them.
The movie is about relationships but a bigger part of the movie is about Charlie (the main character) trying to work out problems that he has that turn out to be repressed memories of his aunt molesting him. This movie handles the subject really well and it is written so that when it comes out at the end you really feel for him. I never really cry during movies but this movie was done so well that I almost teared up at the end. 

This movie is one of the best of the year. I would defiantly recommend it.

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