Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life

It’s Christmas time which it means it’s time for Christmas movies and my favorite Christmas movie is “It’s a Wonderful Life”. “It’s a Wonderful Life” is a movie about a man named George Bailey.  George does many good things, things he forgets about because he considers them small things, or things of little importance.  He later gets depressed, because of money problems, and considers suicide.  A guardian angel named Clarence comes down from heaven.  He grants George’s wish when George says “I wish I’d never been born!”  As George walked around his home town of Bedford Falls he sees how different it is without him.  Bedford Falls is in much worse shape than when he lived in it.  George realized that those little things that he had done were actually very important in how the town of Bedford Falls prospered.  His friends were much worse off without his input, and his brother, whose life he had saved earlier in the movie, had died because George wasn’t there to save him.  George found out that he had really had a wonderful life.

            Not only is this one of my favorite Christmas movies it is one of my favorite movies of all time.  The acting is great and the writing even better, and it has one of the greatest stories in movie history.  I haven’t watched it yet this year but res assured I definitely will

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