Sunday, December 8, 2013

More Charlie Brown

The next one we watched was Charlie Brown, the Voyage of the Mayflower.

The one thing I found most unique about this one is the perspective they put on the story of the pilgrims and the sailing to and discovering the new land. In this version, almost everything is shown from the children's perspectives with Charlie Brown narrating behind it. And even with the narration, the kids are still talking and going through their adventure.

This episode taught kids the same thing all the text books would have told them in a class room, but in doing it in a cartoon with relatable characters and a fun style, kids would remember it better. I know that we've always watched this one around thanksgiving and after watching the story so many times, I know it's not perfectly accurate, but the story has stuck well.

Here's an example of how they presented the material.

In this one specifically, the normal style of Peanuts is changed in a few ways. One, the adults are actually shown and do talk with the kids and are understandable. Two, the background characters don't have as much detail as the main ones. Usually all the kids at least have a similar style when they're together, but here, the adults and even the one child the main group talks to have a lot less detail and just look different over all.

Something I found to be very fun was how brought back in the Peanuts tune right at the end. However, they didn't play it like its normaly done. In this one it was Lucy, Schroder, and Snoopy playing the horn, piano, and drums. It just fit the look and feel of how the story went and it finished it all so well.

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