Sunday, December 8, 2013

Moonrise Kingdom

Here it is, the last blog. I know everybody has been reading all of mine and has been loving every second, but after this one I'm going to have to stop. Sorry guys.
So last weekend my roommate and I watched Moonrise Kingdom. It is a love story but it has a twist. The romance is between two twelve year olds. They run away together and count on his boy scout skills to survive in the wilderness.
They are hunted by the rest of the boy scouts who hate him and eventually they are caught. The girls parents don't approve of their relationship so she is forbidden to see him. They end up running away again and they get “married”.
The movie is incredibly funny and it is from the same writer/director as The Life aquatic. Like I said in my last blog though, it might not appeal to everyone. A lot of the humor comes from the fact that its two twelve year olds in love and from how awkward they are.

 Its a great movie and it definitely deserves all the hype it has gotten . If you haven't seen it I would definitely recommend you get on that.

1 comment:

  1. Great movie. Can't wait for his next film "Grand Budapest Hotel" . . .and if you haven't seen Royal Tennenbaums you really need to.
