Sunday, December 8, 2013


I bet you can't figure out what this blog is about. Yeah I was really looking forward to seeing Ikiru at Signs&Wonders. It is such an amazing film, about what it is to have a happy, meaningful and purpose driven life. film stars Takashi Shimura (The Doctor from Drunken Angel) as a middle aged man who has worked in the same bureaucratic position for several decades. He soon finds out that he has stomach cancer and decides to skip work and try to enjoy the time he has left. (Which results in a hilarious scene of his co-workers gossiping about his absence) During this time he meets up with a younger man who convinces him that the secret to happiness is living for oneself. With this in mind he accompany the man to bars, parties and strip clubs, but finds no joy in this. In a depressive state he meets fellow employee Toyo, who needs his signature on her resignation letter. He is taken aback by her enthusiasm and love for life. He begins to want to see her more and more. She soon grows weary of his intentions and tries to avoid him. He convinces her that he just wants to know the secret to her happiness. She reveals that it is her new job making toys, she feels as though with each toy she makes she is, in a sense playing with every child that plays with that toy(Which would suck if she made My Little Pony Toys.) and this gives her life purpose. won't spoil the ending (Not like it's a twist or anything, but it is worth watching with fresh understanding.), but he finds something worthwhile to spend his time doing and ends with one of the most amazing scenes in film history.

Again I'm really disappointed that it did not get shown, however, I just so happen to own it on DVD an might be able to play it in the screening room if anyone is interested?    

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