Sunday, December 8, 2013

7 Brides for 7 Brothers

            I recently saw Huntington University’s production of Seven Brides For Seven Brothers and I was overall impressed with it.
            I thought that all of the acting was quite good.  I thought that Joshua Cookingham and Maggie Gilliam did a very good job in the lead roles.  Another one of my favorites was the performance of Ja’Shon Burks as Caleb.  I really enjoyed the way he played the character, it made me laugh.  I thought that the actors worked well together and the acting seemed natural.
            I thought that the set was very nice.  The set really helped me get into the setting of the play.  I was particularly impressed with the inside of the cabin.  I felt it looked realistic despite the fact that it could be disassembled in a matter of seconds.
            I thought that the costumes were well done as well.  I liked the color coding of the brides to the brothers, it helped me keep track of the characters.  One problem I did have though was that some of the coats the brothers wore were very clearly not from that time period, whereas the rest of the costumes could conceivably be found in that time.  Another thing was that toy guns were used.  I understand that real guns couldn’t have been used and for the most part the toy guns didn’t bother me, what did bother me was that the orange cap was left on the end of some of the guns.  These caps stuck out and made the production feel more fake.
            I really enjoyed all of the songs and thought that everybody that sang did a good job.  There weren’t any times where I thought that the singing was off key or out of tune.  The dancing for the production was just impressive, especially the dance social scene.

            Overall I enjoyed my experience with Seven Brides For Brothers and find my self wishing that I could see it again.

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