Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hunger Games Catching Fire

So Catching Fire was pretty good! At least it didn't crash and burn. I haven't read the books at all but the first movie was pretty lame for me. I expected the second movie to be better and it was. I still don't think this will become one of the classic movie series that we will talk about for generations. I guess I just don't like the story that much. Well I like the overall plot of the story but I hate the subplot love triangle bullcrap.

 I think the movies are pretty well done, but the story just doesn't compare. The governmental control, the need to rebel against the communistic system, the story isn't that rare, but it has enough variations to make it okay. One thing I would like is for Katnip, Katniss, Cat Piss, whatever her name is, to keep it in her pants. Stop playing with peoples feelings. I hate heroes (Heroines) that are retarded.

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