Sunday, December 8, 2013

Animation in my life

Animation is completely amazing, it is literally moving artwork. Its like drawing something and then making move by using computers. Okay, so I enjoy drawing a lot, it gives me a way to release pent up energy or anger and all a bunch of emotions. Drawing just gives me a chance to express myself. I’m not the best with talking and I feel like I can get a lot of that out through art. I also love computers, but then again, who doesn’t? They are so amazing! They can do so much and they are extremely powerful machines. So powerful in fact, that they can just make art move and turn it into a film. And this is pretty much only with 2d art. I want to do 3d animation which to me is just insane, and it is a remarkable thing that us as animators can do that. You have a lot more possibilities with 3d art rather than 2d. 3d is very tricky though, If you aren’t a detailed person, then your 3d art will look cruddy and no one wants to look at un-detailed work. You can be un-detailed in 2d art though and I actually love the look that it gives.

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