Sunday, December 8, 2013

Girl Talk

So there is an artist that I’ve been listening to for quite sometime now. Girl Talk, now that I’ve typed that out, it sounds really girly, but I assure you that he is not girly at all, actually he isn’t… well really he isn’t anything. He doesn't really make his own music. He uses songs from other artists and the beats from other artists and then he mixes them together to make amazing music. It seems like a really backwards way of making original music by ripping it from others but it is seriously amazing. It has a lot of electronic bass tones to it and lots of rap and pop music as well. He is like the cooler version of Bastille. He has several albums, but only two of them are available for purchase on iTunes, the other albums can be found on the site for free. One of my favorite albums is “All Day” and the cool thing about this album is that it sounds like a continuous stream of music. You can not tell when the album switches to the next song. If this sounds like it might be up your alley give it a try and google him right now.

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