Sunday, December 8, 2013


So I watched a youtube video today that was really cool! The CGI was top notch. The video was funny. And the footage was taken well. But what got me was something else. This video was talking about how food was everywhere in video games and how in their world food is something special. Now this got me thinking. What other normal things have been made special through books, movies, or video games?
Well there is the ring in the Lord of the Rings. It makes everyone joke about their ring being the one ring. There is also the idea of turtles after playing Mario. Any turtle could be thrown at high velocity and kill hundreds of other turtles, or just help you get infinite lives :D There is also the idea of glass slippers. I am sure at least once in every girl’s life they wished that they could have these slippers to have a handsome prince find her and take her away.

What I am trying to say is that with these types of storytelling we can make anything do anything. What will be the next object to have magic powers? A nose ring that lets you breath fire? How about a giraffe that can talk and walk like a human? Anything is possible and it is up to us to decide. Have fun inventing the next great magic object.

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