Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Love Triangle Done Right

Vampire Diaries .... Enough said! This television show has done it right! The love triangle that is. Typically television shows that contain a love triangle also contains a fickle female protagonist and an obvious favored suitor. Vampire Diaries though illustrated an excellent love triangle by establishing relatable characters and by taking the time to create pros and cons to both suitors. The audience cannot help but love both suitors regardless of their flaws and that is because of the filmmakers excellent character development. The female protagonist? She is not the fickle female either. Elena is a strong women who stands up for what she believes in, protects her loved ones, and remains strong through all her trials.

Stefan Salvatore- The good brother who stands up for what is right and suppresses his vampire
nature. Or so it seems. When he finally succumbs to his "basic nature" he becomes lost and an unemotional "monster". Though he has his spells he would virtually sacrifice anything if it means Elena would be protected.

Damon Salvatore- The bad boy who attempts to win the lady. Damon is the brother who has the silver tongue and all the charm. He is the bad boy who ends up reforming but his past always stands in the way between him and Elena, as well as his brother Stefan.

Elena Gilbert- Initially loves Stefan Salvatore ... but that was before she met Damon and before
Stefan became unmanageable. When things go down it seems Damon is always there to fix the damage that Stefan did. So how can she chose? She loves both of them to the extent that "I don't want to loose either one of them by choosing."

The interesting thing about this love triangle presides within the fact that Stefan and Damon are brothers and have vowed that who ever Elena chooses should be happy and the loser would skip town so the couple could be happy. This selflessness implements the true love between the brothers, their connection with each other and Elena, the sacrifice they are willing to partake in, and the overall excellent character development of the series. Vampire Diaries is definitely my favorite television show!!

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