Sunday, December 8, 2013

▲Catching Fire? More Like CATCHING STUPID (Spoilers)▲

▲Catching Fire? More Like CATCHING STUPID (Spoilers)▲

So I recently saw the sequel to the Hunger Games called "Catching Fire" in theaters. I have mixed feelings about it.

I would say that I liked it better than the first one, because the first one was just alright to me. It wasn't a great movie, but not terrible either. My biggest problem with the first movie was that it didn't make me care about the characters. There wasn't much development, and I found myself not caring wether Katniss ant Peeta made it out alive (although I already knew they would since I read the book). The second movie at least succeeds in this area. I was more invested in the characters, all except for Katniss. I've never been able to like her, but the supporting characters are pretty great.

As someone who has read the book, I must say that the visuals in the movie closely match what I saw in my head when reading the book. It's almost scary how close they got some stuff. The movie
definitely succeed visual, but then the story…


So Katniss and Peeta are in the Hunger Games again and are in this crazy clock-like bio-dome.  You find out that the big dome works like a clock, and every hour one section has something deadly that would killed you if you stayed. Blah blah blah. I assume if anyone is reading this you've already seen the movie, so I might as well cut to the chase. You find out that the game maker is working against the capital and helping the tributes to escape. Apparently he and the other tributes were in on the plan the entire time, but for some stupid reason they never told Katniss and Peeta. This is where all the plot holes come in. Supposedly this was all planned, but the thing is so many things could have gone wrong with the plan, and yet even though the game maker has godlike control over everything in the dome he literally never once did anything to help the tributes (except for the magic healing water That was awfully nice of hime). They almost died on multiple occasions and only survived by sheer luck and convenient timing. I'm going to list off all the 'what ifs" of the plan to point out how horrible it was.

Since you didn't tell Katniss and Peeta about the plan, what if the killed the other Tributes who were trying to help them without realizing they were on their side?

What if Katniss and Peeta were killed by a tribute who wasn't in on the plan?

What if Katniss and Peeta tripped and fell while running away from the acid fog stuff and died a horrible death?

What if one of the baboons jumped from behind and killed Katniss and Peeta?

What if that one tribute didn't jump out at the last second to save Peeta from the baboon?

What if Finnick wasn't able to revive Peeta after he hit the forcefield. Katniss would probably freak out and refuse to cooperate.

What if when Plutarch (the game maker) made the entire arena spin around killed Katniss and Peeta in the process? They were hanging on for dear life and could have easily fallen off and drowned like that other tribute.

What if Katniss didn't find out that the map was a giant clock? Why didn't Plutarch just tell her?

What if that guy with the metal wire was killed by another tribute before meeting up with Katniss and Peeta? They would never have gotten out.

What if Katniss didn't figure out at the last second to fire the arrow at the forcefield so that the lightning broke it apart? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL HER?

What if the lightning strike also killed Katniss? Then she would be dead…

I could go on for a long time but I will stop. The point is, their plan was terrible and the could have easily made it so much better. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD THEY NOT TELL KATNISS AND PEETA ABOUT THE PLAN?! And why almost kill them tons of times? Because of this, I hard a hard time enjoying the movie.


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