Sunday, December 8, 2013

Captain Philips

       The director  Paul Greengrass made movie that was bass on Captain Philips. The actor and actress that you may know these actor and actress from  other movie. Here are the name from  Captin Philips Tom Hank, Cathernie Keener, and John Magaro.His full name is Richard Philips was born in Winchester, Massachusetts and graduated from Winchester High School in 1973. He enrolled at the University of Massachusetts and planned to study international law, but later transferred to the  Massachusetts Academy, where he graduated in1979.
       On April 7, 2009 the U.S. Maritime Administration, following NATO advisories, released a Somalia Gulf of Aden advisory to Mariners recommending ships to stay at least 600 miles (1,100km: 690mi) off Somalia's cost. According to Chief Engineer Mike Perry, the crew sank the pirate speedboat shortly after the boarding by continuously swinging the rubber of the Maersk Alabama, thus suttling the smaller boat. As the pirates were boarding the ship, the crew members locked themselves in the engine room. The crew later overpowered one of the pirates.
       The crew attempted to exchanged the captured pirate, whom they had kept tied up for  they had kept tied up for twelve hours, for Philips. According to a crew member, Philips and the pirates got into a man overboard, but it would not start, so the crew dropped a flifeboat and met the pirates to switch prisoners and boats. The captured pirate was released but the pirates refused to release Philips. The pirates left with Philips  in the lifeboat which carried ten days of food rations, water basic survival supplies.
        On April 9, a standoff began between the Bainbridge and the pirates in the Maersk Alabama's lifeboat, where they continued to hold Philips hostage. Three days later, on Sunday, April 12, U.S. Navy marksmen from Seal team 6 opened fire with .30 caliber SR-25 precision rifles and killed the three pirates on the lifeboat, and Philips was rescued in good condition. Muse's parents asked that he be pardoned because he was either 16 or 17 years old at the time of the incident, but at court it was ruled that he was not a juvenile and would be tired as an adult. He later pleaded guilty to piracy charges and was sentenced to over 33 years in prison.

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