Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cabin In the Woods (Spoilers)

Cabin in the woods is a horror film created to show how ridiculous horror films are sometimes. It follows these five characters as they go on a spring break trip to a cabin deep in the woods. It also shows a back story of these workers making things happen. The five characters are The Intelligent one, The Jock, The Virgin, The fool, and The Whore. There is a lot of weird things going on in the film and you are confused as to what is going on until later on. While in the cabin partying, a hatch door opens (which you see the workers push a button for it to happen) and the characters go down into the cellar. There is a bunch of weird things in the cellar but then someone starts reading from an old diary and that is when the zombies come and start killing people. At the end of the film we realize that the workers were actually making everything happen and it was all to kill the characters to keep the "gods" happy. They make references to other horror films in this movie and can tell that they are making fun of them. The gods represent the viewers and how we watch horror films just to see characters die and if it doesn't happen then we get upset. It was quite interesting to see this and be aware of what it was saying. It was good and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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