Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is a movie from the same writer/director as Moonrise Kingdom and The Fantastic Mr. Fox. It is an offbeat comedy with a very awkward style of filming. I personally love the style and think its funny but, its not for all.
The story follows Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) a documentary maker that is dead set on revenge. He plans to track down and kill the shark that ate his friend. Along the way he quickly builds relationships with his crew and tears them down even faster. He is full of himself and has bad outllook on life.
Towards the beginning of the film he is approached by Ned (Owen Wilson) who claims he might be his son. He uses this as a storyline for his new documentary but, he doesn't really seem to care about Ned, though that might have changed, along with Steve, at the end of the movie.
The movie is very random. At one point Zissou shoots a boat full of pirates with one pistol and it has little to do with the story. It was funny but again its not for everyone.
At the end Steve is forced to face his problems and how he has pushed away everyone in his life. After that he comes to terms with what he has become and knows he needs to change to get the help he needs to find the shark.

 Its a silly movie with a ridiculous premise, so if thats you thing, check it out. I loved it.

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