Sunday, December 8, 2013


An edgy series that depicts heroism through unlawful practices. Arrow displays a unique story that circulates behind a billionaire who returns home after spending five years on a "deserted" island that is referred to as purgatory. The island isn't as deserted as the protagonist believes. In fact he spent five years on the island with several criminals. Except the audience was not aware of this fact until they got further into the series. The billionaire now masquerades around the city as a vigilante known as "The Hood."

The cool thing about Arrow is the fact that there are several flashbacks throughout the series and the audience is unsure of what exactly occurred on the island. Almost like the audience is as clueless as the other characters in the series. The exception is that we also get glimpses into Oliver Queen's head. The audience only sees what he wants us to see and not the entire story.
So in a sense two stories are unfolding at the same time. The audience observes a story where Oliver Queen tries to fix the city and an audience can see a sub plot that is composed of Oliver's time on the island and how the torture changed him.
 I love the fact that the audience is not all knowing and that the filmmakers reveal little glimpses of
the plots. I also love the techniques they use to illustrate the flashbacks. They obviously utilize an adjustment layer and filters to establish a hazy almost dream like quality. Overall I believe the two entwining plots create an excellent and intriguing story that captivates the audience through its mystery.

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