Saturday, December 7, 2013

7 Brides for 7 Brothers (after)

I just saw the play and I have only one word: regret…that I didn’t see it sooner so I could watch it twice! While I don’t know much about the aspects of the play or any of the technical terms, I can still talk about why I thought it was amazing.
I have never seen “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” before this show so I can’t compare it to anything else, but I have to say that the most impressive part of the show was the dancing. It was amazing; people were flipping all over the stage, lifting the girls up and over heads. It was just… ah, I can’t think of the words to describe it. The actors all did a fantastic job and I definitely know that it wasn’t easy and didn’t go smoothly every night (my roommate was in the show and she came back so tired some nights from late rehearsals). I will say though that my favorite part of the whole show was not Sean and Sam’s dancing (though they did make a lovely pair J). It was during the kidnapping of the brides when one of the brothers is the cat Tabby (a large man behind a fence putting his heart and soul into a meow). I laughed until I had tears.

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