Sunday, December 8, 2013


Skyfall!!! Oh boy, I absolutely love this film. It was so beautiful, every single part of it is utterly gorgeous. The film starts out with an intense car chase which later then leads to a fight on a train. The car chase was so awesome and the shots were amazing. Right from the beginning, I could tell that it would be fantastic, and I was right. After the car chase, Bond fights a guy on a train and once again, the beautiful shots occur again and just blew me away. Also, the opening song, Skyfall by Adele is amazing. Later on in the film, it proceeds to get more and more wonderful. Once we find out who the main enemy is, an hour or so into the film, it starts to get even better. Javier Bardem who plays Silva, is this mastermind genius who develops this extremely intricate plan, which actually goes rather well for Bardem. Except for the fact that he did not kill M. Bond and M then go to this beautiful house out in the middle of no where and decide to camp out there and wait for the only man to track them to get there, Silva. Silva’s men are completely blown away from Bond, M, and Kincade, a fellow who used to watch over Bond. In the end, Bond kills Silva, but unfortunately loses M which I'm unsure how they will replace her, but I'm sure they'll do it for many years to come. I cannot wait for more amazing Bond films.

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