Thursday, November 21, 2013


On Tuesday we watched a bunch of great music videos. And I'm glad to say that I finally have something good to blog on again. Woot! 

One video that has stuck with me in particular is Valentino. First the actual music video was shown, then the making of. Here's a split screen of both the song and the behind the scenes making of. It's really interesting.

It's just so neat how simple everything was once put together, but also how good it looked when finished. How many single takes that went into this, plus the animation out into the film screen was totally worth the work in the end and turned out great. 

But something more important that this film made me thing about was that in anything, in this real life work and in animation, the finished product is just the finished product. What's important is how much work went into it behind the scenes. The things that people don't see, the time and effort it took for so many people to make this short thing enjoyable for the viewer. 

It takes work to make something great, you can't just have an idea and hope it comes out exactly right, exactly how you imagined it. You have to take the effort to make each frame look great. Take time to write out each code that goes into the movement of the character and how they appear. You need to care about making it to your standards and not stoping short just because it's good enough. 

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