Thursday, November 21, 2013

Music Videos

We watched some awesome music videos in class this week. I really liked most of them, so it’s hard to rank my top three. Here goes nothing-

1. Mona- “Lean into the Fall”
This was my favorite music video because it had a great story. The story was powerful, emotionally charged, and most importantly, not hard to follow. I find it hard for me to enjoy music videos when it isn't clear what is going on. I get distracted by all of my questions and then get disappointed when they aren't answered. I really music videos that set out to tell a story, with the climax matching the climax of the song. Besides that, I enjoyed the art style and found it strangely appropriate for handling the themes in the video.

2. Manchester Orchestra- “Simple Math”

While a little more cryptic than “Lean into the Fall,” I could still follow this music video’s story. What really carried this music video for me though was its cinematic quality. The intense cinematic moments were perfectly timed to the music, and it was surreal to have the present car accident keep mixing with the past and to have time keep jumping around, just as someone’s mind would in that situation.

3. Diane Birch- “Valentino”

I was very impressed by the creativity of this music video. I was just amazed by the technical aspects of the video, how they fooled by brain with the quick-changing, appearing objects, and it all being one take. The song itself was also very fun, and the performers seemed like they were enjoying it too.

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