Monday, November 18, 2013

Thor Review

          I saw Thor 1 and 2 the are both great movie. The first one explained how Thor and Loki became brother. Loki was the right size for Asgard and not a Ice Giant. So Odin adopt Loki that make Thor and Loki Step Brothers. Loki find the Tesseract and He use it  against human kind. Thor does not trust Loki betrayed his step family. Loki found out the truth about how he really is. That why Loki betrayed his step family and everyone that know him.
         Loki does not like Thor because Thor is the next in line for the kingdom. So Loki tries to find a way to destroy  Thor and Odin. Thor get what he want and Loki does not get what he wants. Loki hire different villains for a army to take down Asgard and humanity.
         Thor really loves Loki because  he would be the only child if Odin has not adopt Loki in the first place.  I have a younger brother name Jared We pick on each other. Jared would like to get his hand dirty and Loki like to destroy  people life. Jared like to trick his family and friends. Loki like to trick to damage anyone that he can get his hands on.
        Thor like to play around with other. I like to play around  with my family and friends. Thor treats friends like his family. I treats my friend like my brother and sister. Thor like to be lazy when he don't have to go into battle. I like to do homework if I don't have homework then I play video games and hang out with friends.

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