Sunday, November 17, 2013

Our Blood Brother Is Family

Dying in a house with a sickness no one can cure
How long we will live, no one is sure
People come and people go
When asked to stay, the answer’s no

Only one man came back, and no one knows why
He bought a house here and told his family goodbye
He comes everyday
To help us and play

We know he loves us just as we are
He left us once but he didn’t go far
The friends that come back with him all think he’s crazy
He tells us at home, his father calls him lazy

It isn’t all fun, he disciplines us too
But he’s there with a smile, when you’re feeling blue
Our blood brother is family, even though he is not sick
He married an Indian girl though he could have an American pick

Now he will stay with us for as long as he lives
Which will be a long time, with the kindness he gives
Him and his wife will live happily ever after

With us as their family through pain and through laughter

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