Sunday, November 17, 2013

(BEWARE POSSIBLE SPOILERS AND RANTING)...because I know karli will want to know that.

Chico and Rita.

Just Kidding About The Spoilers...

This was the signs and wonders film for this week. I did not know what to expect as it was the first animated feature shown this year (at least that I was aware of) and contrary to what I was told by everyone, it was not a documentary, and if it was a true story it was not done in the style of a documentary. I had a lot of random thoughts pop up during the film, and this is an attempt at some form of order…

I went on a roller-coaster of liking and disliking the movie...

First was the less than good lip synch….and then the semi emotionless swearing in English. It reminded me of every bad anime dub…which is pretty much any anime dub.

Then the music had so much soul, I didn’t need to know what they were saying to get the message, (on another note, the fact the first verse had subtitles then the rest of the song did not became a bit frustrating, and they did this on pretty much all of the songs, either tell me what you’re saying or don’t)

Then I got annoyed at what the characters did in general, I love you, no, another woman or man is in your life, I miss you, l love you (also, equate love with sex) repeat cycle…

I realized at the end, that the style the story was told in is quite similar to the phantom of the opera. In present day, with major flashbacks to the past being the bulk of the film, but ending in present day. I was also reminded of the Illusionist at the end of the film, when the modern singer seeks out Chico to play for her. I am unsure as to why, as the movies have rather opposite endings...
This whole blog is pretty much the random thought of the blog... But here is one anyway.
Apparently it was Walt Disney that Helped get this film out there...this movie has quite a bit of nudity and sex in it...Disney got involved with it...
Just found that interesting.

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