Monday, November 18, 2013

7 Brides for 7 Kidnappers

     So on opening night I went to see 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. Honestly, I'm not that big on musicals, unless it's Sweeney Todd because who doesn't like people pies- anyway, so I was leery at first. I have to admit, I loved it, some said it was better than the actual movie but I've never seen it so yeah. The humor was what made me love it so much, and the fact that it was 100 times better than anything my high school could ever crank out.
     The choreography was great, I can imagine how long it must've taken to get all the moves down for each dance, let alone their lines.
     The set was so purdy too. One of my friends worked on the set design/painting and she was worried they'd look awful but they were really well done. Not like crappy high-school sets where I'm pretty sure they hired 5 year olds to fingerpaint them. College plays are such higher quality than high school ones.
     Nice dancing Sean and Sam. Kudos to you both. xD
     The acting was so amazing, the portrayals of their characters were so fun to watch and nothing looked or sounded forced. I didn't hear any slip-ups or mistakes either. And their singing was beautiful!


Much kissing
Such dancing
So marriage
- Doge Adam Pontipee


  1. Love the artwork and the title! :D

  2. These pictures make me laugh xD so fantastic!

    1. Lmao thank you, I put /so much/ effort into them! Such quality. xDDD

  3. LEL Such funne
    very shibe

    awsum, a doge/10
