Monday, November 18, 2013

Finding Nemo Review

     We all know the story about  Nemo and know Dory is going to be lost. Is Pixar going to explain the story of Dory's past? We know that she get memory lost really easy, but she start to remember thing when Merlin is around her. What was dory like before Merlin swam into her?
      What I think that Pixar should show us where we left off on Finding Nemo then show us dory's family of getting  the memory lost. Because she already told us that her family has memory lost which they suffer short memory lost where she can remember the long term memory like P. Sherman.
      Fish don't have good memories. So I think that pixar is making jokes about fish having memory lost. Human in there family has them the long and short term memories. What I like to see in Finding Dory is everyone from the first movie. Nemo and everyone around dory is telling story about her family. Pixar  is showing us that when Dory is talking about her family.

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