Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Top 3 Music Videos

Today in class we watched various music videos. Typically I don't watch music vids, but I found these pretty entertaining. I found the ones that were animated (such as "Dumb Ways to Die" and "AllAxis"), using puppets, or mixing it all together ("Don't Hug Me I'm Scared") more appealing than just live action. I feel this is because live action is limited with their environments and effects. However, I did not care for the CG film of the demonic rabbit destroying the city. The graphics were neat, but it got old really fast. With all the quick, bright flashes it seemed it would give one epilepsy.

1. Dumb Ways to Die

This was my favorite music video because it's original, simple, funny, and has a catchy toon. Music videos do not have to have realistic animations or special effects for them to be good. This video has very simplistic characters who all die in some way. The tone of the voice is cheery and gives the overall appearance more inviting to watch, rather a deeper voice might repel. The video is both fun to watch AND listen to.

2. Machine Civilizaiton

I did enjoy World Order's "Machine Civilization". All practical effects done on camera. It was very unique and different which made it fun to watch. Having that much control over your body to move like a robot, but have slow, fluid motion is awesome. The fact that they did this in a public area with people walking in the background gave it a good atmosphere. People walking by would stare at the stiff contorting people which gave it a feel of originality. It also showed that they used live footage and did not alter the speed of the film. I wouldn't listen to this, but I would watch it.

3. Valentino

This is my 3rd favorite. It is simple, has a catchy toon, and leaves the audience wondering how they pulled it off. The lyrics and props all match up at he right time. I was amazed at the timing and how well it was directed after watching the behind the scenes. I was unaware that the projector and screen was not real.

Overall this shows low budget videos with great, original ideas can become better than the high tech stuff.

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