Sunday, November 17, 2013

Seven Brides For Seven Brothers: Sean and Sam Lookin' Good

As they said they would, Sam and Sean took the stage as two of the seven brothers this weekend, with Sam being Frank and Sean being Efraim. I've heard about how the performance has been very demanding on the people in it (especially the stage set) and I have nothing but admiration for the work they put into it. I saw it this Saturday, and I don't think I saw or heard any mistakes from the cast. I mean, normally you have someone mispronounce a line or something of the sort, but I was impressed with how smoothly it went. Not only that, but I was laughing quite a bit and enjoying how silly the idea was (warning: potential spoiler in this next sentence fragment!) 6 guys kidnap 6 girls that they met once, and everything working out just fine (okay, it's over). But then again, being out west in that time period, I guess you don't have time to lolygag when it comes to love. All the actresses and actors were phenomenal, and the music was just as great. If you haven't gone yet, I'd recommend going and supporting our drama department!

p.s. I added a tag to the article for anyone else who posts, just in case we want to keep it all organized :)

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