Friday, November 15, 2013


Well.... there was 5 of us watching this documentary.

I'm glad Nicole decided to share this with us. It opened my eyes to that men struggle with pressures of physical appearance just as much as girls. I mean, men have always struggled with having to be muscular, tall, dark, and handsome.... this documentary said more than that.

A common question that was asked through out the film was "What is masculinity?". Each man they interviewed had a different answer. Some said how they acted, what they did, or based it on how they looked.

As a female, I think masculinity is more than just if they can bench press a house or how many girls they can date in a year. I believe (and this is about to get mushy I'm so sorry) masculinity is how a man treats other people, not just his wife or girlfriend but his parents, friends, or even random strangers. Being humble to others and being polite is very masculine.

Side Note: Guys, there is a huge difference between being arrogant and being confident. Be confident... not
arrogant. kthanksbai

Ok, even though this guy was SUPER full of himself in the film... can be just appreciate the beauty that is his beard... yiss.

I'm sorry, I'm not into this whole blogging thing ... move along.

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