Sunday, November 17, 2013


     So the Chicago International Film Festival was absolutely FANTASTIC. Not only was it fun to explore a bit of Chicago and see the Bean, the actual event itself was awesome! I was exposed to so many different types of short films and movies with a whole variety of animation styles and techniques! 
This is the bean(so quality) and it was actually the most fantastic thing I've ever seen in my life. There was a Halloween group there taking pictures and a ton of Halloween themed parties going on because it was the weekend beforehand :3

     The films ranged from cartoons, to acting, to 3D! Some were fantastic, and others just plain sucked, but that was totally okay because it was awesome to see anyways. There was one point where we got to meet some filmmakers! 

     Though watching a ton of movies all day was great, I honestly had the most fun hanging out with those that came and walking around Chicago. There's so much modern art and sculptures just sitting out in the open and it's so neat to see! I was super cold the whole time, but I'm pretty sure that's my favorite city now. There was one point where some friends and I walked around while trying to find a Starbucks instead of heading to the hotel like we were supposed to, and that lead to the Great Adventure of Walking Around and Being Cold Only To Find That Starbucks Was Closed After All and Having To Walk Back, produced by us; to be released never.
     Anyways, I think my favorite film was a cartoon (of course) about a hobo who lived underground in a subway. He came out at night and could go into the huge ads that are hung on the wall to get food and stuff. It's a bit more complicated than that, but it was absolutely fantastic. It's one of those films that just sticks with you, and I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life. 
     If y'all didn't get the chance to go this year, I definitely recommend you jump at the opportunity to go next year!! 


  1. WOOOOOO Chicago! I still need to blog about it. I wanted to wait untill I was less busy and more settled down, but I've realized there's never going to be a time like that, so i need to just get it out of the way.

    1. Yeah ikr. I really wanted to blog about Pantless and how he's the new weatherman but I think that's his tale to tell :3
