Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Music Videos Galore

     So this music video day was great. I loved all the videos and especially (obviously) the animated ones. I actually enjoyed the one with Jesus falling on the buffalo then they flew into a giant burning face. The buffalo were so cute. I didn't care that it made no sense, I really loved how it was made. c:
     I also loved the one with the giant mutant rabbit. The whole video reminded me of a computer virus that a firewall/antivirus were trying to fight off. Once I thought of that, I really enjoyed watching it. The music was awesome sauce too.
     I can't remember the names of any of them, so I couldn't find links or pictures. So I sketched a super high-quality sketch of what I could remember. xD
     I loved the stop-motion magician video. It was such smooth animation and beautiful character design. There were so many bunnies in these videos. Love bunnies.
     There are so many to talk about! Aajlksdfjslafj they were so good. Dumb Ways to Die, the one with the girl and her star necklace, the guy who shoots himself, the couple that go to Heaven and Hell where the demon laughed at the guy who peed/pooped himself, I loved them all. There wasn't one that I said "well that was stupid". I really enjoyed all the different styles of animation.
      I really liked the live action videos too. My favorite was the one with the guy in the truck accident and it flashed back through his past. It was very beautiful. The animation ones kept my attention a bit more, but I think it's because you don't have as many boundaries as with real humans. I loved all the videos though. c:

Where's Waldo? lol


  1. I really love the picture you drew! So great.

    Also I found Waldo

    1. Why thank you kind sir! xD

