Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The guy pictured above is a pro wrestler for TNA Impact. He says that he has to constantly shave all the hair on his body because American society thinks hairy men are disgusting. It is literally his whole upper body, including his back, chest, arms and stomach. The whole ordeal was a bit nasty and he even had to have someone help him shave his lower back.

Another man who is a professional 'beardsman' who competes in international competitions, showcasing his long beard. At one point, he says the reason why his beard is a different color than his normal head hair is because his beard hair is his 'man hair.' When they were walking in the streets, someone pulled on his beard and he retaliated with death threats.

Another person they interviewed was Ricky Manchanda who admitted to being bullied as a kid. He decided to take better care of his looks and admitted to being a meterosexual male. Which pretty much means he thinks about his appearance all the time and likes to find treatments and operations to be 'perfect.' This is an extreme example of something that has begun to be seen as normal. Men are supposed to look somewhat presentable. For example, for most women, hairy backs are a turn off and some men go to great extents to wax or shave their hairy backs. 

The whole documentary was a bit funny but also touched on some important issues. I wasn't sure if this movie was making fun of men who do 'manscaping' or if they were saying it was a problem. Either way, it was very entertaining. 

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