Wednesday, November 20, 2013

7 Brides for 7 Brothers (before)

I cannot wait until I see the “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” play on Saturday! Even though I am going to write again after I see the show, I have to write right now (partly because I am excited and partly because I was told to)!
A couple weeks ago I heard from my sisters that they were coming down to see the play with Eastside High School’s theater class. I had to figure out when they were coming because I wanted to see Mr. Albert, the theater director, again (and my sisters too I guess).
This is Mr. Albert
(no point in talking about him if no one
knows what he looks like)
no other photos because he avoided the
camera during backstage photos:(
Any way, I met up with them after the show ended: everyone loved it! Mr. Albert was just blown away. He said that he had seen many plays for the “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” and this was the first that he had seen that followed the script. “They cut nothing out!” He loved everything, from the sets and lighting to the dance work. He told me to tell the director, tell the actors, tell somebody, TELL ANYBODY that the show was amazing. Just hearing and the class so excited over the show makes me want to see it even more (I am one of those people who gets enjoyment by hearing other people get excited – it’s catching)!
 (by the way, this should count because this man saw Sean and Sam sing and dance)

Oh, and as a bonus when Sarah and Holly came…I GOT PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (homemade apple pie!)

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