Wednesday, November 20, 2013

▲Let's Talk About Our Stories▲

▲Let's Talk About Our Stories▲

So we're all animators, and as such we are story-tellers. I assume that most if not all of us have at least one story line rolling around in our brains, so I invite you all to make a post about your own personal story!

I'll start with my own (although I don't want to go to heavily in detail because of spoilers and stuff).

My story doesn't have a name yet, but it's focused on a character named Isaac. It takes place in a world similar to earth in the 1600-1700's. In this world, an alchemic form of "magic" exists, which is biased off of basic chemical principles. Although this form of magic is pretty limited and to a certain extent realistic, There are creatures and things in this world that are beyond scientific explanation. Isaac, the main character (featured on the right and below), becomes immortal after summoning death. Unfortunately, becoming immortal was not at all Isaac's intention, since he was trying to bring someone back from the dead. Death, being cruel and fond of irony, deprives Isaac the luxury of death and instead makes him unable to die.(There is more explanation to why Isaac summoned Death, but I don't want to get into it because like I said it would spoil it). Anyway, the main story is going to take place a little more than a hundred years after Isaac becoming immortal. I can't really say much more about the story line because I want it to be unpredictable and it is still in early form.

I am planning on eventually making this a "graphic web-novel" but with a twist that will make it extremely unique and much more interactive. I really want to focus on the atmospheric feel of the world, and heavily on character development

Anyway, it would be great if you commented on this post and make a blog about your own story/stories.


1 comment:

  1. Isaac is the best :> I love in your picture how when he's happy you shaded with orange and then the sadder moods are shaded with blue P: I can't wait to see how this turns out; I'm so excited!
