Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Gravity" Companion Short "Aningaaq"

If you haven't seen Gravity, I recommend you go ASAP because it's freakin awesome. But, if you have seen it (and I know a lot of us have) then you should definitely check out this companion short film direct by Gravity co-writer Jonas Cuaron. It's in talks for an Oscar nomination for the live-action short category this year.

For those of you who've seen Gravity, you probably remember the scene where Dr. Stone has a desperate, pleading radio conversation with a man who cannot understand her that goes by the name Aningaaq. The short depicts the other end of the conversation from the perspective of Aningaaq, and the results are very emotionally powerful and a little surreal. It's an amazing short that really enhances a small part of the movie that you should definitely check out if you have seven minutes to kill.