Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why Good or Bad? How 'bout Both?

Definitely the one series
that I count
 down the days until the next issue

Is it possible to be both a good reader and a bad reader?  I couldn’t help comparing myself to C.S. Lewis’ description and I found that I could fall into both categories.  For example, I do read or watch movies sometimes when I want to just enjoy the story and the action or comedy in it.  However, I become immersed in another world, one that is structured and vastly different from my world of schoolwork.  It might be weird but I like to study the characters, trying to figure out why they do what they do and just why do I like them so much (I feel like I need to do this sometimes because I am one of those people who can watch the same movie several times in a row, just looking at the animation or just absorbing the whole scene).  This is one aspect that I am unsure of: a bad reader only reads something once and is always looking for the next thing.  A good reader can be like this sometimes, like when something is in a series; the story is unfinished and you want to know what happens next (even to the point of making up different scenarios that could happen, which I am guilty of).

There is one thing that I want to say in defense of shows that have more comedy than deep meaning.  I think that comedy films summarize up what people feel every day. What I mean is that we can see ourselves in people like Buster Keaton, the exasperation in everyday life.  It is true that the choice is either to laugh or cry, though laughing is more rewarding (exercise those muscles)!

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