Monday, September 2, 2013

Totes McGoats Seth Richard Christman is my real name!

Yo yo what it is. So if you didn't know before, my name is Seth Richard Christman.
I am 21 years old and, what can I say, I like stories. I like people a whole lot as well, and one thing that I love about people is that everyone has a story to tell. So here is a little of my story.
I grew up in a christian home going to church and Sunday school every Sunday. Whilst growing up I would watch PBSkids and there was a show on there called Zoom. Zoom was basically a show where a bunch of kids got to do skits and experiments and a lot of other cool things. Well one episode they did was a behind the scenes episode, where they just showed what it was like behind the camera on set, and all the things that went into the show. It was then that I became intrigued with film.
I went all through High School slacking and not trying very hard because I hated school. I failed a good amount of classes and almost didn't get to walk with my class at graduation because of my lack of participation in classes. I knew that I wasn't going to college so I never bothered to take the SAT or ACT and didn't really care in all honesty. The first year out of High School I actually worked in the DC here at HU. I didn't mention before that I am actually from Huntington. In February of 2012, right after the students came back and I started working again, there was a program called Catalyst Training School that came to Gas City where Taylor University is. It was a prophetic seminar and I was curious about it so I went with some friends. At the seminar God revealed himself to me through 2 strangers and our courage to pray with each other. 2 strangers prayed and listened to the voice of God and said things that I had heard about myself growing up of the ways God has created me. There was no way to explain what had happened other than the fact that God exists and knows me through and through. 
I got to go to Catalyst out in Tacoma, Washington for a few months and through the program I got to go to South Korea and Cambodia. The program and community really opened my eyes, strengthened my relationship with God, and helped me grow in such a tremendous way. I came back in the fall and began working again at a restaurant and then Got a job in a factory. My best friend dropped out of college and moved to Florida and began chasing his dream in the spring of 2013 and it began to make me wonder what my dreams were. I came to the conclusion that my dream job was film. I had some options that I was considering. The first was to move to LA and hope to make it. Second was to join up with YWAM in LA and get some connections. The third was to go to school. 
God got me here. In a series of miracles I ended up here at Huntington University as a 21 year old Freshmen with a roommate that I am close to that used to be a grade behind me in High School but is now a Grade above me. I'm here, chasing my dream and making it into a reality. I hope to get to know you all and the stories that you have to share. 
Chyeah Boy.

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