Monday, September 2, 2013

Caitlin's Intro

So, hey there everyone. I'm Caity. I'm an Animation major here at Huntington. I love just plain hanging out with friends. Though don't let that push you away from me, cause I'm always looking to make more. 

I enjoy watching some anime and lots of cartoons. Not more so the new ones, but the good old cartoons like Tom and Jerry and the Jetsons and things like that. 
I absolutely love music. It's my inspiration for everything, be it my art, writing, or otherwise. Some of my more loved groups include Skillet, TFK, and Toby Mac. Though you might hear me say a lot that I like the song, not the artist. That's why other than these few groups and a few others, my entire list of music is totally random. I don't have that many on my playlists yet, but I also love instrumentals. They leave so much room for imagination. Too fun. :)

Really, I'm not too interesting. I have a few different styles that I'm perfecting as I go as far as art. I'm always open to music suggestions as long as they're not true hardcore screamo. Lol. And I'm always up for a fun time. I might not be all that for parties, but I love being around people when I know them. Come hang with me sometime. Just tell me to pull my headphones off and I'll talk for a while with you. ^^ 

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