Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The nature of "CARN"

CARN is a short animation by Jeff Le Bars. It tell the story about the struggle for survival, the worth of a life, and the twisted fate of nature. as a piece of art, I am in awe of what they have created.The rendering style seamlessly merges 2d artwork and 3d models (I believe 3d models are cell shaded). With a simple color palette, strong contrast, an effective use of positive and negative space. As the story progresses the lighting reflects the corruption of the boy.  Much of this story is told through silhouettes. The wolf is always a silhouette. giving him both the demonic presence as well as the mystery of being shrouded in shadows. Oddly enough I connect most with the wolf, expressing such morality and self restraint it is ironic to see the predator as the most humane character in the story. I think it also speaks to the harsh law the environment presses on the boy. Nature, and the wolf,  has its way of providing nourishment and shelter, as long as you comply, but is unforgiving once crossed. In this story it is our greed and selfishness, that leads to our own sorrow. Our attempts to hold so tightly to our survival, leaves us strangling it and gasping for peace. I have much appreciation for the animation in this film. Having only a single line "I accept" does not keep you from connecting with the boy. His body language speaks entirely of his character, and through that we know the bitterness of the cold, the fear of isolation, his reverence of his savior, and the depravity of his condition. 
     although the plot, mainly the ending, left me wanting more. It seemed like an abrupt conclusion to a complex story. I felt like the roller coaster was over halfway down the largest hill. Nobody likes to be drawn in just to find there's nothing special worth your attention. all in all, I'm glad the film was made, and I enjoyed the ride, but as soon as it was over I found my self saying "oh.....ok....."


  1. oops! here's the link:

  2. Loved this video! I would also very much agree with you saying that it ends so abruptly, such a quick and unsatisfying end to a very satisfying video I would say.
