Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Black Rock Shooter

      Black Rock Shooter is an anime which aired in 2012. It follows the story of a group of girls in school together as they face painful struggles of life. The twist is that it is discovered that there is a world where girls take on the pain and torment of life for those in the real world. Basically some sort of alternate reality connected to the real world where there is an alternate person who takes on your pain, interesting thought right? Well the other thing about this world is that the girls fight which is there way of accepting and dealing pain from the real world into theirs. 
I very much like this anime for its anime style and story. The colors are very important in Black Rock Shooter and it shows by the way the characters and the alternate world are shown with either very dark or very vibrant colors depending on the situation. The story goes along never really explaining too much until the very end which keeps you interested throughout the whole series (it is only 8 episodes). At the same time the show barely holds on to you in a way as you partly almost give up on finding out what is really going on.
The way that the anime jumps back and forth between the real world and the alternate one is very interestingly timed. Most of the time it makes sense as in the real world a character is going through some torment and then it will jump over to the alternate world where their other self is fighting someone and getting hurt. This creates very dynamic scenes and plays well on screen. Other times it will start in the alternate world or randomly cut to it and it wont make sense at first why it is happening but in the end it does.
Overall Black Rock Shooter is a very interesting anime with great animation and a story that keeps you guessing. I would recommend it to most as I know some people would probably not like it all that much because it is done so differently than most anything. Still if you got some free time and don’t know what to do I think you should give Black Rock Shooter a try.


  1. I've been meaning to watch this for a while now- how many episodes?

    1. If you really would have read it while paying attention you would see that in the second paragraph in parenthesis I say "it is only 8 episodes" -_-

    2. I'm just bad at life, please forgive me =w=""""

  2. It is really good, you should watch it Karli
